5th-Annual Architects of the New Paradigm Conference
“Finding Your Sanity in an Insane World”
Ashland, OR – Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ashland Hills Hotel & Conference Center , Ashland, OR
5th-Annual Architects of the New Paradigm Conference
Finding Your Sanity in an Insane World
Ashland, OR – Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ashland Hills Hotel & Conference Center

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Lori Lorenz, MA – Marc Strauch, MA, MUP – Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. – Daniel Sheehan, JD. Moderated by Will Wilkinson
Do you have an uncomfortable feeling that our world is going utterly insane? Do you feel anxious every time you turn on the news? Are you feeling outraged by society’s leadership and the seeming trend toward more fear & chaos?
Many of us are feeling lonelier, more isolated, and more despairing than ever before.
Large corporations, media conglomerates, political leaders, and even our medical and legal systems capitalize on our fears and concerns to sell us more products, feed us more propaganda; thereby manipulating our behavior to fit their agendas.
Once our eyes are open to how we are being manipulated, across the whole spectrum of society, we can take back control over our lives, empower ourselves, and further positive change.
The phenomenon of ‘psychopathy’ affects us in direct and indirect ways that are seldom recognized or addressed.
The realization that truly psychopathic people lack any form of conscience is a challenging yet necessary understanding. There are people with distinctly different brain structures among us. By recognizing and avoiding the predatory and manipulative tactics they employ, we become better equipped to lead happier and more productive lives
Watch these solutions-oriented, blinders-off, down-the-rabbit-hole presentations to learn about this critical understanding. Learn from these thought leaders and expand your understanding, empower yourself and your community, and avoid these kinds of pervasive influences that increasingly challenge us.
Discover how to identify the sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists who are, unbeknownst to us, causing insidious damage to our relationships, our communities, and our world.
If you’ve known more than 25 people in your life, you’ve known a psychopath.
This conference is presented as an educational endeavor to tackle a difficult and under-recognized aspect of our social and civic lives. It is designed to help health professionals, parents, educators, activists, and anyone who wants to better understand how to get out from under the hidden influence of parasitic relationships. By watching, you will be able to recognize how some of these negative forces may be impacting your life, have compassion for yourself as you deepen your awareness of these subjects, and be empowered to take positive steps towards self-actualization.
Learning Objectives:
– Identify the personality types that negatively impact your life, community, and the world.
– Recognize their manipulative strategies, and understand the practical and physiological distinction among people on the Psychopathic, Sociopathic, and Narcissistic spectrum.
– Get practical tools to avoid harmful people and mitigate the negative impact of the psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists you must come into contact with.
– Understand how institutions and corporations use the communication strategies of fear and manipulation, and censor relevant information in order to manipulate the public.
Hear Jefferson Public Radio’s pre-conference interview by Geoffrey Riley with Jordan Pease, Daniel Sheehan, and Jennifer Margulis about the theme and objectives of the conference. Listen to the 18-minute interview HERE
Since 2015, the Architects of the New Paradigm Conference Series has brought together some of the most accomplished leading visionaries and thinkers to present a fresh approach to the discussion of the world’s critical challenges. The format of the events employs a blinders-off approach to the true scope and depth of the challenges, balanced with realistic and practical solutions.
Participants are inspired toward new paradigm thinking while presented with an overarching and integrated survey of the hidden agendas that are preventing harmonious and thriving social well-being. READ MORE
Resources for Further Study:
Lecture Presentation Slides (Lori Lorenz) PDF
References and Selected Reading (Lori Lorenz) PDF
History Channel video Mind Control: America’s Secret War
Jeff Warrick’s documentary Programming the Nation?
Adam Curtis BBC documentary Power of Nightmares
Lecture Presentation Slides (Marc Strauch) PDF
Wikipedia Article on MK-Ultra
10-Page Summary of the Book “Mind Controllers”
Fred Burk’s Website WantToKnow.info
Get Recordings Stream or Order DVDs
Presentation Descriptions and Presenter Bios

Lori Lorenz, MA
Lori Lorenz, MA: The Sociopath Next Door – What Are We Up Against?
In this crazy world of conflicting news and finger pointing, how do we make sense of people’s behavior? How does stress affect our thinking, our brains? Are these conflicts natural? Or are there certain personality types who enjoy creating chaos and stress in others in order to achieve their goals? There are real people who are skilled at and enjoy making you feel crazy and off balance. They are truly without conscience and operate at the personal, the corporate and the global levels. Read More

Marc Strauch, MA, MUP
Marc Strauch, MA, MUP: Media and Social Engineering: Who’s Running the Show?
We face an ever-increasing onslaught of media inputs from an even wider and more divergent range of sources, many with questionable motives and modus operandi. How can we discern not just what is accurate or factual – and reflects our values – but what is real and can be trusted?
How we can make decisions that truly reflect not just how we see the world but really is about the world we want to create for ourselves, our community, our nation, and our planet? The notion of reality is important, for either we create our own or someone creates it for us. The question is, can you tell the difference? And more importantly, can you tell the difference when it really matters, and can you trust your own internal barometers for discerning truth and accuracy when it is most needed? Read More

Jennifer Margulis, PhD
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.: A Shot of Truth- Science, Censorship and the REAL Fake News in Healthcare
In the past three years in a row, the life expectancy in the United States has gone down. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. The sicker you are, the more doctors, hospitals, and even health insurance plans increase their bottom lines. At the same time health advocates concerned about the over-exposure to toxins, over-testing, and overdiagnosis are often labeled “anti-science.”
In this talk, we will explore the recent systematic government and corporate-sponsored censorship of alternative health information, why history will not look kindly on this moment, and how to stop Big Money from making you sick. This lecture is a shot of truth. Join journalist and book author Jennifer Margulis for a lively, honest, and science-forward talk about the real threat to human health: corporate and government malfeasance, scare-mongering, fake news, and a virtual media blackout about the dangers of modern medicine. Read More

Daniel P. Sheehan, JD
Daniel P. Sheehan, JD: Exposed – Untold Histories of Sociopaths & Scoundrels in High Places: A Cautionary Tale
Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School-trained American constitutional trial lawyer Daniel Sheehan has been working for five decades to preserve and protect the civil rights of our country’s citizens, while uncovering and bringing down high-profile, real-life criminal conspiracies. During his extraordinary career, he has gone head-to-head with some of society’s most despicable individuals since his co-founding of The Harvard Civil Rights Law Review in 1968.
Attorney Sheehan’s remarkable resume has included: The Pentagon Papers Case; The Wounded Knee Occupation AIM Leadership Cases; The Three-Mile Island Nuclear Disaster Case; The Karen Silkwood Case; The Iran/Contra Case; Defending Dr. John Mack at Harvard; The Colonel James Sabow Case, and many more.
In this his presentation, Mr. Sheehan will illustrate the single underlying principle that ties these cases together, and will explain how implementing “New Paradigm approaches” can stop such treacheries from occurring in the future. Hear his harrowing and seldom-recounted stories that plainly illustrate that there are indeed foxes running the hen house as he exposes their shenanigans and their shady tactics. Read More

Will Wilkinson
(Panel Moderator)
William T. Wilkinson (Emcee & Panel Moderator)
Will is the author/co-author of nine published books (including Now or Never,The Noon Club, Thriving in Business and Life, and Awakening from the American Dream). Will is a lifelong professional communicator who has consistently broadcast the same message through every medium: we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Read More
Presentation Descriptions and Presenter Bios

Lori Lorenz, MA
Lori Lorenz, MA: The Sociopath Next Door – What Are We Up Against?
In this crazy world of conflicting news and finger pointing, how do we make sense of people’s behavior? How does stress affect our thinking, our brains? Are these conflicts natural? Or are there certain personality types who enjoy creating chaos and stress in others in order to achieve their goals? There are real people who are skilled at and enjoy making you feel crazy and off balance. They are truly without conscience and operate at the personal, the corporate and the global levels.
Learn how to identify these people, recognize the techniques they use and how they make you think there’s something wrong with you, not them. They don’t want you to notice their manipulations so you won’t notice what they’re doing. But with knowledge and self-care, you can navigate these waters and know the sharks from the goldfish. Join us for a wide-ranging exploration from personal relationships to international relations.
BIO For over 25 years, Lori Lorenz, MA has specialized in counseling complex cases of sexual abuse, including cult/Satanic ritual abuse, torture and programming including apparent MK-ULTRA victims. She has worked extensively with the effects of Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists and Borderline Personality Disorders. Lori has developed and teaches the I-MAP system of understanding the recovery journey out of trauma. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) founder Gary Craig featured her in his Specialty Series 1 DVD training program. Lori was also one of five EFT experts for his week-long intensive with veterans suffering from combat PTSD, released as the documentary “Operation Emotional Freedom”. Read More

Marc Strauch, MA, MUP
Marc Strauch, MA, MUP: Media and Social Engineering: Who’s Running the Show?
We face an ever-increasing onslaught of media inputs from an even wider and more divergent range of sources, many with questionable motives and modus operandi. How can we discern not just what is accurate or factual – and reflects our values – but what is real and can be trusted?
How we can make decisions that truly reflect not just how we see the world but really is about the world we want to create for ourselves, our community, our nation, and our planet? The notion of reality is important, for either we create our own or someone creates it for us. The question is, can you tell the difference? And more importantly, can you tell the difference when it really matters, and can you trust your own internal barometers for discerning truth and accuracy when it is most needed?
This blinders-off interactive session will leave you with three key understanding: (1) We are all programmers, (2) Discerning the conscious from the subconscious and the unconscious (3) When and how to use your reality distortion field.
BIO: Born and raised in Manhattan’s East Village neighborhood, Marc Strauch, MA, MUP has been an innovator and on the leading edge of environmental advocacy and clean-green technologies, socially responsible business, and technologies for the development of consciousness since he was about 15 years old. Read More

Jennifer Margulis, PhD
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.: A Shot of Truth- Science, Censorship and the REAL Fake News in Healthcare
In the past three years in a row, the life expectancy in the United States has gone down. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States. The sicker you are, the more doctors, hospitals, and even health insurance plans increase their bottom lines. At the same time health advocates concerned about the over-exposure to toxins, over-testing, and overdiagnosis are often labeled “anti-science.”
In this talk, we will explore the recent systematic government and corporate-sponsored censorship of alternative health information, why history will not look kindly on this moment, and how to stop Big Money from making you sick. This lecture is a shot of truth. Join journalist and book author Jennifer Margulis for a lively, honest, and science-forward talk about the real threat to human health: corporate and government malfeasance, scare-mongering, fake news, and a virtual media blackout about the dangers of modern medicine.
BIO: Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning science journalist, Fulbright grantee, and sought-after speaker. Her writing has appeared the New York Times, the Washington Post, and on the cover of Smithsonian magazine and three of her books have won national awards.
A meticulous researcher who’s not afraid to be controversial, she is nationally known as a science journalist who opens people’s eyes to the realities behind accepted practices in health care and medicine. Read More

Daniel P. Sheehan, JD
Daniel P. Sheehan, JD: Exposed – Untold Histories of Sociopaths & Scoundrels in High Places: A Cautionary Tale
Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School-trained American constitutional trial lawyer Daniel Sheehan has been working for five decades to preserve and protect the civil rights of our country’s citizens, while uncovering and bringing down high-profile, real-life criminal conspiracies. During his extraordinary career, he has gone head-to-head with some of society’s most despicable individuals since his co-founding of The Harvard Civil Rights Law Review in 1968.
Attorney Sheehan’s remarkable resume has included: The Pentagon Papers Case; The Wounded Knee Occupation AIM Leadership Cases; The Three-Mile Island Nuclear Disaster Case; The Karen Silkwood Case; The Iran/Contra Case; Defending Dr. John Mack at Harvard; The Colonel James Sabow Case, and many more.
In this his presentation, Mr. Sheehan will illustrate the single underlying principle that ties these cases together, and will explain how implementing “New Paradigm approaches” can stop such treacheries from occurring in the future. Hear his harrowing and seldom-recounted stories that plainly illustrate that there are indeed foxes running the hen house as he exposes their shenanigans and their shady tactics.
BIO: Daniel P. Sheehan, JD is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School-trained Constitutional Trial Lawyer and Appellate Attorney. Over the last five decades his work as a trial lawyer, appellate attorney, public speaker, author and college and law school educator, Daniel Sheehan has helped to expose injustice, protect fundamental rights and elucidate a compelling vision for the future of humanity. His dedication and passion have put him at the center of many of the most important legal cases and social movements of our lifetimes. Read More

Will Wilkinson
(Panel Moderator)
William T. Wilkinson (Emcee & Panel Moderator)
Will is the author/co-author of nine published books (including Now or Never,The Noon Club, Thriving in Business and Life, and Awakening from the American Dream). Will is a lifelong professional communicator who has consistently broadcast the same message through every medium: we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
His childhood experience was guided by an altered state dream that occurred every night until age seven. At age 42, he discovered the geographical location of the dream and began a five-year exploration of its meaning, assisted by several kahunas in Hawaii. The journey involved accessing a primary past life experience through a subtle time traveling technique Will developed and utilizes regularly, personally and with clients, to address past traumas and seed future outcomes.
Will founded and ran an energy healing center in Victoria, BC, Canada for six years and wrote about his experiences in his second published book, Attunement With Life. He traveled extensively for several years, training practitioners and developing educational communities in seven countries. Read More
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